Skin Beautiful MD Mother-Daughter Kit (Includes Free Natural Botox Alternative)
PEERtrainer, Inc
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This is the ideal kit for moms and daughters (and grand-daughters!) to develop healthy beauty habits together.
Each kit contains 2 jars of Detoxifying Clay and Charcoal Mask and 2 jars of Deep Moisturize with Hyaluronic Acid.
It also comes with a free bottle of Wrinkle Erase C Serum, which is a Vitamin C Serum combined with 2 ingredients that make Botox completely unnecessary.
For young women, using the two products in this kit will help teach 3 important things:
1. Acne medicine, with long lasting side effects, is something that is no longer needed. The mask and the moisturizer are highly purifying, and each have deep track records.
Clay and Charcoal in the mask "bind" to deeply embedded toxins and pull them out of the face. This helps to both treat and prevent breakouts.
According to Marnie Nussbaum MD, "Hyaluronic acid is great to use when dealing with pimples, blackheads and skin impurities, as its moisturizing factors provide skin with the hydration it needs without clogging pores."
2. We want to train our daughters that they never need to use Botox. It is acutely toxic and is now completely unnecessary. Hyaluronic acid helps remove the appearance of ANY fine line or wrinkle for almost every woman under the age of 30.
3. There is a new generation of natural products ingredients that not only work, but they work much better than the stuff we used when we were their age.
For moms and also grandmothers, these two products help to provide deep cleaning, deep hydration and key nutrients to help your skin produce more collagen than is being destroyed.
There are 3 kinds of highly mineral rich clays in the mask. The mask pulls dangerous toxins out of your skin, and these 64 key minerals are then absorbed into your face. These clay minerals help your skin produce more collagen than Retinol.
Our Deep Moisturizer contains Hyaluronic Acid and also 2 key plant ingredients perfected in European labs. One ingredient helps to pull moisture from the lower layer of your skin to the upper layer. Another works as a "magnet" to draw moisture into the millions of tiny water sacs in the upper layer of your skin.
The free Wrinkle Erase C Serum that comes with the kit also helps to repair damage caused by the sun on the face, which will help you avoid stressful visits to the dermatologist.
The 5 products in this kit retail for over $300. This kit is available for $129 until the end of this month.